Fallout, Deathclaws, Vaults, Yao Guai, Harold, and all associated trademarks and devices are owned by Interplay/Bethesda.

ThunderCats, Lion-O, Mumm-Ra, and all associated trademarks and devices are owned by Ted Wolf.

Batman, the Joker, Bat Nipples, and all associated trademarks and devices are owned by Bob Kane.

World of Warcraft, Moggie the Argent Champion, armour designs, and all associated trademarks and devices are owned by Blizzard Entertainment.

Dead Space, Plasma Cutters, Necromorphs, Isaac Clarke, and all associated trademarks and devices are owned by Visceral Games.

Guardians of the Galaxy, Groot, and all associated trademarks and devices are owned by Marvel Comics.

Diablo III, Witch Doctors, Zombie Dogs, Gargantuans, and all associated trademarks and devices are owned by Blizzard Entertainment.

Doom, the UAC, Pinkies, Revenants, and all associated trademarks and devices are owned by id Software.